Thursday, February 23, 2012

Prayer's and Healing

I think this may be the most personal entry yet. As a deep and mysterious pisces it is difficult to share my deepest movement, only because I am always moving thus my ideas are forever changing. It's a strong trait to not want any self-imposed judgement upon me. How dare you think you know me!!! hahaha Truth is I wear my heart on my sleeve and my emotions are as strong and as ever fluid as the ocean current. Here I am in my bright aqua colours splashing about and singing loud.
Yes the truth can be a scary place and as much as I love to frolic and fawn, serious awareness is imperative in my healing journey. The more in-tuned and stronger I become is when the deeper and delicate pains surface. Sensing the safety and trust within my body-mind-soul relationship, these bits of deep emotion release their strong hold and unveil my most vulnerable side. I am so grateful to my bits, that have held me together all these years, making my world work in the best possible way, now is time to release and renew, exchanging pain with love's light.

Now, as a side note allow me to digress in a manner that shall bring us back to full circle. Here I am, as a Canadian, surrounded by culture and living in the global village; free to pick the best of all communities, countries and cultures. And so I do. From childhood as my parents practiced an Eastern philosophy of meditation, and eating foods from around the world, I have been participating in picking bits and pieces to suit my needs. The freedom is immense and very liberating. I have the freedom to choose foods, ideas, philosophy, ideas, textiles, dishes, clothing, and most importantly healing and spiritual practices. In the end, I make up my own 'Shanti World', just the way I like it.
I honour all that I choose to work with and feel so privileged in the process. Blessings to the world and it's many facets.
Now the full circle is the prayer I wish to share with you that I have borrowed from the Hawaiian Huna process.
This is a strong and influential practice that must be complied with utmost honour and care. The process is in essence about Forgiveness. Forgiveness to others, to ancestors, and to one self.
This prayer has been in my repertoire for a couple of years now and it has been a lethal component to cracking the darkest of stuck emotion and fear. Blessings and my most humble appreciation for this work.
Here is where it comes together in a blend of my practices. For the past few months I have been contending with a rash on my face. I have been getting to the bottom of it with the help of my accupressure charts, macrobiotic charts (Your Body Never Lies, by Michio Kushi), You Can Heal Your LIfe by Louise Hay, and with my MAP team.
I was getting to the crux of things, also intuitively, but I just couldn't put it all together. So with the help of my mom and her pendulum dosing charts, we got to work.
Turns out I am having an allergic food reaction from the irritation caused by the lymph nodes in the mucus membrane in the ileum, small intestine also known as Peyer's Patches. There are also issues occurring with my liver and ovaries, everything is connected emotionally and physically. Wow. Everything is clicking. There is more to it, but this is the gist. Recommendations include Spirulina, Bio XII Tissue Salts, Acidophilus for the small intestine (Natren brand) and the essential oil of Vetiver; the oil of Tranquility.
After I got off the phone I immediately went to the bath where I do most of my work. Fish in Water, of course. I poured a big amount of magnesium oil with some rose oil and ylang ylang. Not having the vetiver yet, I called in it's essence to be present. With a candle lit, I eased into the steamy bath.
I opened up my MAP team and began sharing the recent information. Then I went to each organ in need to visualise the colours and thought connected. Bringing light down from Source, I visualised bringing this through my body to connect with the ground earth of Nature. Here is where I blend my practices. Beginning with the Earth Chakra I am connected with I began the mantra of the Ho'oponopono 'I am sorry', with a minimum of saying it three times I went through each chakra until I felt a shift, doing this all the way up to my Christ grid Chakra. I went through each mantra exactly the same way; 'Please Forgive Me', 'Thank you', 'I Love You'. Wow, unbelievable work. with certain parts of the mantra and in certain chakras, like the sacral chakra, energy was really moving. This completed I checked into the colours of each organ and visualised my skin in the cool waters of the arctic. Calming and relaxing my body and ending my process in a prayer I got out of the now cool bathtub. An hour had gone by. I had no idea.
My healing process began, and deeper I went into cleansing and clearing with help of supplemental support, restricted diet, yoga and sleep. The healing and the emotional element are a big part of the journey that I am only just working through. I appreciate the process but more importantly I appreciate the tools I have blended from the World's knowledge to help me along my path to a stronger, healthier and clearer ME.
Blessings in Light and Love
I am Sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You
I Love You

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