Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Time is full of things to do

It's Fall. We have already established this. Then I ask myself; what am I doing going the speed of lightening?
Today was no different as the past two weeks. I had plants to transplant into the house, peppermint to remove from the window box, and general plant upkeep for the coming winter. This was a good portion of my day, and don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of it. I love my hands in the cool soil and the little spiders that come out of hiding racing to who knows where exactly, and the peaceful connection with nature. In fact I don't even recognise time when I am working with plants. As I worked alongside my friends in the garden there were little finches busy about scrounging for morsels and squirrels chasing one another and a little rain misting the air.

What I felt, after the morning of plant care taking was the sore spot in my lower back, the dirt wedged deep into my fingernails and the fact that I haven't brushed my teeth yet.
Story of my life, and I am still in my pyjamas!
I need to shower, get groceries and make granola; and all I would like to do is have a bath, read my books and nap. It's fall after all, a time for resting and cozying in for the season. Still so much is to be done, and that is ok. I love it all and I love taking care of my home.
And in the end I managed a couple pages of my book in the mid afternoon.

Rest and Peace xoxo

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