Monday, September 26, 2011

Home & Body Care

Day before the New Moon in Libra. Even though the world would like us to continue running like chickens; be sure to make space for a deep breath and to reflect inwards. Take time to notice your surroundings and what this year up to now has brought.
Last night was the first real cold night and today was without exception. The winds and rains are intense, cleansing and liberating. The smell of de-composting foliage is in the air, and on the ground.
Well no more mucking about pretending we are having a heat wave. Reality has come, riding on the back of the rain's coat tales, and so we are here.
With every season comes time to clean the bones of my home, scrubbing away the sand and dusty toe marks off the floor and wiping up fruit juices squished on the fridge door or that may have seeped down the counter wall. Time for a clean start.
Stove- elements, oven, the floor below, and sides, including the walls.
Fridge- exterior, top, inside- bins, shelves, floor below.
Floors- entrance, hallway, kitchen, bathroom.
oh ya, and the little bits include organising the tupperware cupboard, polishing the kettle, switching clothes over to fall and washing the summer duds.
There is always so much more like general dusting and cleaning, but the bones of the place are like an extension of one's self and must be maintained with intention as one would their face and hair. Speaking of hair and face, well as I got into the thick of things, I felt I could use a bath so I whipped up some new face scrubs and oils.
Face Scrub
1/2 lemon juiced
2 Tbs brown sugar
2 Tbs cane sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp fine grain salt
mix. store contents in a clean container in the fridge for two weeks
apply on face and let sit 2 minutes and wash off with warm water in small circular motions.

Facial Cleanser
1/2 C Walnut oil
1/2 C Apricot oil
1/4 C Avocado oil
5 drops of ylang ylang essential oil
3 drops of pure rose oil
shake well, store in glass bottle. should keep indefinitely
apply with cotton flannel in small upward motion. let sit a bit and then wash with warm water.

There we go. Good clean bones (skin and home). Now I am ready for a day of silence as I welcome this new moon into fall. I suggest a gentle day filled with tea, candles, writing, a settling into your home and body.
Many Blessings and much light on your journey~

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