Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall~ing Inspiration

Harvest time comes so quickly, all other duties are put on the back burner.
This is a time to start hauling in a bounty of foods and putting it all to good use, now or later.

In the mix of goodies from my mom's garden I am tending to zucchinis, potatoes, turnips, beets, roma tomatoes, basil, and peaches. To top it off I went on a blackberry binge and those little black beeds of nectar require immediate attention.

What's first? Time sensitive foods and also what can be eaten fresh. The potatoes and turnips and some zuc's can afford to wait a while before I place attention to them.
I started off by eating many bowls of tomatoes sliced, add fresh chopped basil drizzled with white balsamic vinegar.
The zucchini was done Oma style; saute cabbage, onion and grated zucchini with garlic and salt. let this steam for 1 hour. unbelievable.
Zucchini cake, muffins, bran muffins, grated into tomato sauce, soups, grilled, and in everything else too.

There was a lot of sliced peaches consumed daily. i just couldn't get anywhere else with these, and sometimes it is just as good to get 'your fill' and wait until next year for another serving of juicy peach flavours!

Eventually the roma tomatoes took to the dehydrator for some drying time.
As well as some last minute apricots.

Basil swirled with garlic, toasted pine nuts, lemon juice and parmegano reggiano. Yay for pesto. This is easily frozen in ice cube trays for quick single use.

What's next?
oh ya, black berry jam and some into the freezer. This was the end of my haul and my energy. There weren't as many juicy berries this year due to the lack of rain. The bushes stunted and didn't mature to fruition. Every year I forget that the picking is the easiest part. The soaking and washing and picking through and then 3 hours of jam cooking, jar washing, spoon licking; good times and well worth it!

We enjoyed some great bow tie pesto pasta with a big salad. Fresh and carbo recharging after a few days in the kitchen.
And I have only just begun.....

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