Friday, June 5, 2015

Introduction to Me

Hello, I am Shanti. I was raised on a farm in the Okanagan where we as children made friends with many herbs and used to make cold flower infusions in our play house. My sister's and I would take bottles and pots to the nearest spring and fill them right up, trudging back to our little play house (an old shed left abandoned) we would then pick the mint and strawberry leaves, cedar branches and lilac blossoms to brew in the cold water. We would then have parties; singing and playing and drinking. My mother, also being an Herbalist, has always healed us through fevers and ailments with the use of herbs in various modalities. Herbs have been a big part of my life but I ventured out into the world during college and found everything to be conventional and sterile. I worked in the Health care system then on to Health and Vitamin Industry and in the last few years have come around, full circle, to herbs for nourishing and healing.
I have an unusual health impairment that led me back to the 'roots' of herbs and infusions and wild harvesting, all the while learning what the plants have to share with us humans and by reading Susun Weed's books and youtube videos. I believe that the lessons I receive from learning about the herbs and this particular skin issue I wear, will lead me to better assisting those I have the chance to share the wise-woman ways with.
Speaking out freely about myself is not something I openly or usually do, so I thought it high time to do so, and anyone reading deserves to know the truth.
This is me in a nut shell. And I have been spending the last 3 years working on my self, more seriously now, then ever. Sharing my story is actually feeling very empowering right now, it's the right thing to do. As vulnerable I may be, I KNOW the outcome through the action of sharing will be liberating and healing. Today was especially eventful as I managed to do two significant actions. First I joined and actively participated in Laura Mazza Gonick EFT/Tapping free youtube videos. Then went directly into the Susun Weed's Wise Woman University and joined the forum and started my first course.

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