Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Fibre Frenzy!

Hmm... Fibre. I'm talking Roughage!

This multi - functional, happy making, resourceful entity is low on the list for gratitude in general, but for me I am in great appreciation for it and praise it's spirit with every meal.
Fibre: Insoluble or Soluble dietary fibre that functions within the digestive tract. Research more on your own accord. Fibre is also found in grains and vegetables, some of my top spring veg includes; in-home made sprouts, yam, artichoke, asparagus, celery, and nettles.
Of course there is more resources of fibre than stated above.
The fact is it's necessary to aide in digestion and elimination, and is in most foods we eat, save meat products and eggs.
I have heard from other reputable sources and studies that it is what makes the "Blue Belt" equator living inhabitants happy. Most specifically from eating beans for every meal..... sound-sing-song familiar?
So I got out my bags of beans and began soaking. and cooking. and eating. The result: Joy!
Happy digestion, Happy elimination.
Silliness aside, there is a truth to feeling 'grounded' and more in-body, and a feeling of being nourished right to the very cells of creation. This is also from the great nutrient value beans carry and their ability to combine with starches to make complete proteins thus fortifying the body with strength and vigour.
The effect of beans also enhances the mind's state of calmness and endurance for long work days.

Now a lot of people have alarm bells ringing when they hear the word 'Bean'! They are too difficult to cook, are gaseous and crunchy and just too much darned work!
Well, for certain it's time consuming, rather I like to think of it as time well invested. And some beans don't need to be soaked and boiled before hand.
For starters experiment with split peas, mung beans and lentils, red, french, or green. Although these varieties don not require soaking, I do like to give them each a soak for a minimum of half an hour, up to two hours, and usually with a piece of seaweed.

The soaking type that usually soak and cook and quickly, I find, are adzuki, black eyed peas, pinto and romano beans.
The soaking time requires about 6-8 hours and the cook time is 30 mins to 1 hr. I love all these for making refried beans, soups, bean dips, salads, pastas and stir-fry.

The Pictures below are from our recent dinner that was a colourful array of veggies. Steamed Artichokes, good for the liver and kidneys' spring cleanse, Basmati rice and a black eyed pea salad I whipped up on a whim; leftover mint and fresh oregano, feta, kalamata olives, half a bake yam and some fresh veg diced up. A simple vinaigrette and the meal is complete!

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