Friday, October 3, 2014

Hot Baths and Soft Light

Hello,.... are you here now?
I thought I caught a glimpse of you; a touch of mist in the morning, a crisp inhale of fresh air, and who couldn't notice brilliant jewel-toned leaves upon the tree branches. Yes my friend, you are a welcomed site. As we reconnect I can't think of anything more nourishing than wrapping your gentle energy, albeit grandiose, around me like a spiralling blanket as it drops from the ethers of the sky with finite intention in rooting deep into earth's dream space. It's with gratitude that I revel in your energy blanket chilling my bones and warming my soul. Silence is on it's way, but not before a spectacular display of colours, skies, wind, clouds and earthy aromas (puts fireworks to shame). If only we two-legged beings could sit out everyday with steamy cups of chai and roasted squash seeds to take in the dance of change. Rather we are busy as ants, washing floors, washing summer dresses, resting the flower beds,drying herbs, canning peaches and tomatoes, drying plums and pears, and adding extra blankets onto the bed. I find myself sending silent prayers to you, in moments of stillness when I bare witness to your soft - golden light. Thank you Thank you. Not only is there busyness going on around me, little squirrels, I also feel the shift of space deep with in me. Maybe it's by our birth-right connection to the Earth mother, maybe it's just molecules and atoms, I feel I am readying for the dream time within me. Not before a brute forceful wind to shake up the energy build up from summer's intense heat. The Wind comes in; the trees shed leaves and branches, ocean's waves crash hard against the shores, everything is being mixed up to make room for a new breath inwards. It's a glorious exchange - one that I often admire as I stand high in the winds in order to shake my own body into change. I laugh and offer my voice to the winds for a ride into the Great Mystery.
Breath in Forgiveness and Be Purified

Nowadays I often turn on my crystal and salt lamps for a soft glow of friendly comfort and warmth. It lends to a sense of ritual, of appreciation, to honour Autumn's presence. Days are noticeably shorter and the twilight is spectacular. And I remember once again what it's like to step into a steaming bath filled with aromatic elixirs, submerging my body deep into the tub and resting in the folds of dreams.

Be Well

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