Friday, December 9, 2011

Winter's Tickle

Okay, it's not quite winter, yet! About 11 days to go before old father winter comes a whistling down our necks. But this doesn't seem to stop the nasty little bugs from jumping off one another infecting us like barnacles on a ship's hull.
The theme this year has taken to the lymph nodes. Specifically the nasal canal and throat. It begins with a tickle and a scratch and winds up restricting the air ways with swollen red glands.
Now I don't mean to place intention on to others that will withstand this infection, but from those I have spoken with and have endured myself, well this goes from experience. The rest of you; stay on alert, may this navigation steer you clear from barnacle island.
Now I must admit I am on my second round of lymph infection..I guess I didn't get the message the first time and tried to sail right over the rocks rather than pay the toll. The toll of surrender. But later on this.

In order to set your course through calm waters, consider these points of interest.

1. Tea Tree Oil -my strong astringent friend that burns you to truth
As a rule I use tea tree oil everyday to protect the ears. A dab on a cotton swab then dipped in water, placed gently into earl canal and give a good swipe around.
This will prevent germs from entering into your system. If you feel soreness and tender tissue, this is a sign of potential swollen lymph. If you pull the swab out and find dark and an excess amount of ear wax, then the body is fighting an infection of sorts.
Important and most forgotten tip, germs love to travel through the ear canal.

1b. Gargle with tea tree oil. 3 drops in a small amount of water. swish, gargle, spit.
In general this cleans the mouth, teeth and tonsils.
It will also help fight infection, bring down swelling of lymph nodes and reduce itchy, scratchy throats.
Continue to gargle through out the day based on level of infection. Best to do separately from other medicinal aids and food.
My personal experience, years ago I fought strep throat with tea tree oil when I was fed up with taking antibiotics. This is a very personal choice and everyone must follow their own instinct when self healing. Be sure to recognise your body's conversation with you and be intuitive, and most importantly; take responsibility for your health.

2. Colloidal Silver Sovereign Silver Brand. The one and only true silver that won't turn you blue. Know your silver and do some research
Silver is antimicrobial (bacterial, fungal, viral) take as directed is very effective, and will cool the throat. I drank an entire bottle in two days to help fight the infection. Take away from tea tree and other foods. Acts similarly to homeopathic medicine.
I use silver for so many things. It is just always in my defence tool kit.

3. Lymphomyosot N. Heel brand, homeopathic medicine.
Taken as direct, away from foods, liquids and other medication, will stop any sort of lymph stress in a heart beat.

4.Immune Support
Give your system a boost by any number of supports out there. My only criteria is that it is of whole constitution. For example; Acidophilus, Reishi Mushroom, Cordyceps, Shitake, or a complex of whole mushrooms, Propolis drops, Pomegranate juice, Nettles, Burdock, Fennel seed, and other nutrient rich herbs. It is important that you support your body, not treat it from doing it's job. Therefor it is equally important to keep the inflammation down in the intestines, the house of your immune system, in order for the body to actively partake in the healing process.

5. Refrain from simple sugars, processed foods, caffeine, dairy or fatty foods.
6. Drink a consistent amount of water and herbal teas.
7. Wash your hands frequently and refrain from touching your face.

8. Hot lemon drink before bed, my favourite.
Boil some water
Take your favourite mug and fill it with a half squeezed lemon, a pinch of cayenne, fresh grated ginger, and a dollop of raw local honey.
For an added bonus: a cap full of dark rum! (sailor's bestfriend) ZZZzzzzz
Drink as hot as possible, slowly but consistently. You really want to sweat this infection out

9. Slippery Elm slurry
Now if your immune system is really down, I find a concoction of slippery goo and can really kick your system into action and kick out any residing infection.
I have come up with this on my own over the past years and found my patients to recover quickly.
1/2 tsp slippery elm powder
1/8 tsp myrrh powder
6 drops of propolis
enough honey to blend mixture to together
boiled hot water just to blend
drink up!

9. Listen to the message from the body.
Is there more than just an infection going on?
Yes it can be as simple as getting caught in the cross fires of berating germs from a child or walking into a room of germ gremlins that will feed on any living soul. Oops, just happened.
Or it could be, like me, that I am good at healing my self quickly by taking preventative measures consistently. sometimes one can be too good at taking care and the message was not received. And when it is affecting persons everywhere, then the message is of a cosmic consciousness.
Our dear friend Louise Hay says the following about infection and lymph (You Can Heal Your Life)
Infection (probable cause): Irritation, anger, annoyance
Lymph (probable cause): A warning that the mind need to be recentered on the essentials of life. Love and Joy
New thought patterns: I choose to be peaceful and harmonious. I am now totally centered in the love and joy of being alive. I flow with life. Peace of mind is mine.
Try it on for size.
Surrender to the message.
Be healthy.

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