Monday, November 26, 2012

Communication Retrograde

It's always been a 'thing' in my family; what's your sign?, what phase is the moon in?, is it mercury retrograde? and what the hell does that mean for me?! Generally: one would be up shit creek with out a paddle.
And it's always been why someone might be in the 'mood' or experiencing a rough go, or being a bit 'touchy'. Certainly for mercury retrograde the gist is to keep away from electronics, don't make any great purchases or start anything new. And if your lucky enough you will be thanking the goddess you weren't slapped on the back of the head by ol' mercury himself. It's generally an energetic overview of FUBAR.
So they say, but who is this 'they' and how do 'they' come to find out what the signs mean based on degrees, trine's, and houses? I have always been lead to believe this is so. There is more to it.....

During my long process delving into what spirituality is for me, I have come to question everything. And this is one such question in two fold; how does mercury retrograde effect the individual, and how does this affect interactions between beings?

I am attracted to certain bits of information based mainly on a vibrational connection. One such mirror I tend to view is the 'We'Moon' calendar. Every year the precise moon phase is calculated, there are summaries of each month's sign and there is an overview of each mercury retrograde to be had over the course of the year. Sometimes I am not conscious of mercury's presence and sometimes I am. Thus we are presently at the end of the last MR of the year and it was about communication in the house of Scorpio.

And so I geared up, placing the intention of awareness to the art of communication. And what a dance I am on. I feel like a small pebble going through a rushing river's rapids. ouch ouch, bump bump. Not so graceful after all. I have encountered strangers verbally accost me with their toxic spew, I have had interactions with family that have left both parties feeling sore and unresolved, and I have had clear visions of relationships to be cut. This is all the more painful experience.
Would it have been different if I had not paid attention to the dates?
Is this my lesson to be gifted with?
What did these interactions trigger for me? Was I able to resolve?
How best might I move through this energy to unveil the truth to the light?
What am I holding on to that required the work of mercury to set into motion?
What is my responsibility in all of this?

The dance is always a process. Like the stone rolling through the rapids, there are steps to learn and bruises to be had, and once the momentum and energy flows in harmony; the dance and the pebble groove to the zuvuya. This is much like conversation or a verbal interaction.

For me I am triggered easily through conversation. It's something I am working on, diligently. Yes this was my moment to relieve myself from the strife of learned conversation patterns. It's a layer removed allowing me to evolve deeper into my truth and find my comfort level. And of course synchronicity plays apart as I have been working on opening up the Thyroid Chakra located between the heart and throat chakras. It's turquoise in colour vibrating in communication. Communication between heart and throat. The mantra I say is 'Thank you Thank you. I speak freely and comfortably'.
This type of opening comes with the job of removing stuck energy. Therefor the experiences I encountered. I had to own my part, bless it for it's lesson, and release it to be recharged in the light of Love. I am conscious of the movement, of where I am and where I can go as I dance with conversations. It's not all cleared up and gone forever, but it's a start and I am grateful for it. I have managed to rectify some of my hang ups while speaking with family; honest and gently, I am working on protecting myself from stranger's verbal garbage, and I am taking the time to consider my responsibility as a communicative artist.
It's also a brilliant tool for me to use when another is having a fit. They may be dancing and jigging around some form of verbal diarrhoea and I don't have to get involved. As David Deida says 'plant your staff, know your place and let them dance'.
Thank You Thank You
All is Well

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